Friday, May 13, 2011

Shiny, Happy People Part 2.

. . . And immediately on the tails of that happy note, a sad and embarrassing one.

So, I spent nearly an hour on the phone with my dad tonight rambling excitedly about my birthday, my birthday plans, and all the things I want for my birthday.  Which would normally be fine, except for that just now (and 3 hours later), it dawned on me that today is HIS birthday.

I am such a douchebag.

Luckily, he lives in Hing Kong, so I could call back to remedy the situation as it is still afternoon there.


(In my defense, his birthday is the 12th, and today was actually the 11th here in the States.  But I forgot I was talking to him on the afternoon of the 12th, Hong Kong time.  Although in all honesty, I had no clue what the date was until I looked at my phone a few minutes ago.  So I really have no excuse other than that I am a gigantic asshole, no matter how unintentional it may be.)

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