Sunday, May 15, 2011

The end is near!

Things I'm thinking about right now:

 I do not want to turn thirty twenty-six in two weeks.  And the good news is, I may not have to.  According to the very large billboard on 76 West, the world will be ending on May 21st of this year.  So, yay for that.  But here's what I don't understand about these doomsdayers:  What do they say when the world does not end?  How do you retract that statement on the 22nd without looking like a complete dumbass?  I mean, you took out a billboard, for god's sake!  We all know you said it. 

Although if I had to pick one of the doomsday groups to align myself with, I'd go with this one.  Mostly because I'm not a fan of bandwagons, and if everyone else is saying 2012, then I'm going with 2011.  Also, the aforementioned never having to turn 30 would be a bonus.  Weird side note:  My mom took a picture of me on my birthday last year which she titled, Forever 29.  Maybe subconsciously, she was in the know about this May 21, 2011 thing, and she picked that title because she knew the world wouldn't be here when I was 30.   I don't actually believe that the world is ending next week, but this is seriously how my brain works.  These are the kinds of weirdo thoughts that I have on an hourly basis.  Which can only mean one of two things:

1) Time for a new brain.  or 2) I clearly do not have enough important things on which to focus my thoughts.

I'm going with the former on this one. . .


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