Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sometimes I like to text people who are in the room while they're on the phone with someone else I know.  Partly out of sheer boredom, and partly because I am an attention whore and I hate feeling unnoticed.

This usually only happens when my mom and sister are on the phone.  I'll usually text something fairly witty in hopes that the textee will feel like he or she is somehow missing out by choosing to talk to caller instead of me.  It almost never works.  So then I resort to pitting the callers against each other.  For example:  "What could you guys possibly be talking about for this long? Oh, hey... Did you know I overheard mom talking to someone about what a pain in the ass you are?  I know, I thought it was harsh, too."  This approach doesn't tend to work, either. 

So in a final act of deperation, I try either insulting the caller, or texting some absurd cluster of words, hoping to pique his or her interest.  Tonight, my sister beat me at my own game.  The only response I got was, "eggs!"  Yep,  Eggs. With an exclamation point, even. (!!!)

I'm quitting this family.

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