Friday, April 22, 2011

Random babble

Things on my mind right now:

1) My blog has six followers. Two of them are me. That's right... I created two separate blogger accounts so that I could up my followers.  How sad has my life become?  It's probably bad enough that I even "followed" myself once...

2) That being said, my blog has 189 hits this week.  Since I don't track my own viewings, it begs the question: Who is reading this?  Do I have one really awesome stalker, or are most of you too embarrassed to admit publicly that you read this garbage?

3) I might hate Bengals fans these days more than I hate Steelers fans.  For starters, they are sucky, sucky fair weather fans.  The only Browns game I missed this year was the Browns at Bengals game and that's because I was in Cincinnati and the game was blacked out.  And none of my friends (who claim to love their Bengals so much) would go with me.  Also,  Who Dey? Really? Not only did you rip off another team, but you ripped off one of the lamest sports chants ever. It's like copying off the kid who's eating paste. Not that I would expect much from a city that borders Kentucky...*
(*Side note: I actually love the city of Cincinnati. Very, very much. Bengals "fans" just irritate me. But in all fairness, at least they don't bark like we do for our Brownies. Because that's just weird.)

4) After my 15 year love affair with the ellipsis points, it has been pointed out to me that I type it incorrectly.  It is not ...   Its . . .    But I'm far too lazy to type the spaces between the dots.  Also, I know I overuse them. But here's my argument:  The ellipses can be used when it's an unfinished thought, or kind of trailing off into nowhere, and I do that all the time when I speak, so. . .

5) Since we're so technologically advanced, why don't we have a cool Jetson's-type machine that we can walk into and change our eye color?  I really want green eyes for a few days and I can't wear contacts because touching your eyeball is gross.

6) If you've somehow managed to read this whole post, then it should be obvious by now that I'm incredibly sleep deprived. Which brings us to number 6.  Why can't I sleep???? I've watched two movies, and taken 2 allergy/sleeping pills.  Still nothing. I'm going to hate myself tomorrow. . .

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up, which is pretty good considering that you're still living with me. :-)
